1. Fixle Support Center
  2. Major Appliances: Discover, Add, Manage

Share Fixle Home Report

Share home and item information and wow clients and real estate professionals alike!

After creating a Home and adding Major Appliances, the Home can be shared via email.


  • Only Professional Accounts can share Home details.
  • To send a report to yourself, use a different email address than the one associated with the Fixle account. Fixle will not send a report to the same email associated with the account that sent the report.

To Share a Home, click into the Home and click the three dots in the right hand corner. In the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen select 'Share Home'.


Complete the form fields and enter the recipients name and email address. You have the ability to share your Home details with multiple recipients, as well as view which recipients have accepted the report to review.          

    The recipient will receive an email that includes the Downloadable Fixle Report pdf as an attachment. The email informs the recipient that they have the option to download and open the report directly within the Fixle App. If the recipient selects ‘Open in Fixle App’, they will be prompted to install the Fixle App and establish an account.

    There are two ways for a recipient receive or view a Fixle Home Report as a recipient: 

    1. An email with a Fixle Home Report as a PDF document.
    2. A link to download the Fixle app which will only be active on a mobile device. Once the app is downloaded and the recipient uses the same email address to sign in as provided for the share, they will have access to a copy of the Home, along with all the item details in the app.