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Fixle's AI Scanner
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Fixle's AI Scanner
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Fixle's AI Scanner
Fixle Overview
Fixle's AI Scanner
FixlePro and FixleFolio
Inspection Guarantee
Fixle's AI Scanner
Overview & FAQs of our game-changing technology
What is Fixle’s AI Scanner for appliances and home systems?
What type of appliances and systems does the Fixle AI Scanner support?
Where to Find Item Labels on Appliances
What information on an appliance or home system identification tag is most important?
How to add items using the Fixle AI Scanner?
What type of information does Fixle collect when items are added via Fixle’s AI Scanner?
Edit or Delete Item
Identify an Energy Guide Label
How can I figure out the manufacture date of a major appliance?
How do I know if an appliance or system has a recall?
What should I do if I cannot select a photo on iOS?